VertexFX Web Trader is the light module of VertexFX Client trade station

while the main is the traditional windows-based desktop application and the third is the VertexFX Mobile Trader. VertexFX Web Trader is considered to be a machine independent Trading terminal, as it is totally WEB enabled and fully tested at all traditional web browsers with smooth online market movement, real time market order placement, with the same security of the windows based system.

No need to download, no need to install or have any dependency on any component, just run your browser, whatever it is at your operating system (OS), place the link, login and Trade.

VertexFX Web Trader is a Trading Station inheriting all the Trading capabilities, transparency and high availability, to perform a great alternative of the traditional desktop based Traders.

Why to Use VertexFX Web Trader

If you are at the road, and have a device that does not have the regular Windows-based application installed, and you need now to trade or monitor prices to close a trade, or what if you are in an internet cafe and you do not have time to download and install any application even if it was as small as light as the VertexFX Windows-based application, and you need to do the trade now, and make the profit, or what if you are at home and all you have is an Apple MAC or a Linux based computer.

In all these situations and more, all you need, is just to open your browser, place the link, login, and trade, to a web trader that will allow you to enter market, close market, place limits and stops, manage positions, monitor the news, and print your statement.

You may start trading using the Web Trader by

How to Use VertexFX Web Trader

VertexFX Web Trader is usually linked from the Market maker’s website, so by following the link or placing it at your browser’s address bar, you will have a login displayed, place your client’s username and password, even for a single account, or for a group or offices at their specified fields, and click login. Go to the market order tab, fill your order information, select your distribution method, and then, click on buy or sell to perform the order, for all the accounts.